Join us in New Orleans for ISPN 2025 Annual Conference, 
March 19-22, 2025
Advancing Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing:
Innovation, Practice, and Culture

Sponsorship, Exhibit, and Product Theater Opportunities are available!
Find out more here!

More information about ISPN 2025 Annual Conference will be released on the website as it becomes available. 

 A Message from ISPN President, Barbara Peterson

Every holiday season brings an abundance of messages advertising this time of year as a cheerful, “most-wonderful-time-of-the-year” when everyone is meant to be surrounded by loved ones and enjoying every second of the season. Yet for many the holiday season is stressful and emotionally exhausting, exacerbating mental health problems. As psychiatric nursing professionals, we know all too well that mental health crises go hand in hand with holidays. This year, it seems that the usual holiday stress is compounded by political differences within many families. There are resources that can help navigate these challenges. The American Psychological Association offers ways to cope with and bridge family discord. Another great resource, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) suggests self-care activities include knowing and respecting your limits, setting reasonable expectations, and avoiding known triggers. I hope you find these resources helpful as you care for yourself, your loved ones, and your patients.                        Wishing you a peace-filled holiday season and new year.

ISPN Mission:

To promote advanced psychiatric-mental health nursing leadership in practice, research, education, and policy worldwide.


Archives of Psychiatric Nursing

Official Journal of ISPN

A subscription to Archives of Psychiatric Nursing is a benefit of membership.

Read the Journal

ISPN Gift of Membership

We encourage you to think of a student—or two—whose membership you might sponsor by paying the student's first year of ISPN membership dues of $35. 

A special way to reach out to graduates as well is to support their entry into ISPN by sponsoring their first year of ISPN membership dues of $150. 

Gift of Membership Form

 The IMIN Mentoring Program

The ISPN Mentoring Initiative Navigator Program, or IMIN, is a capacity building project started in 2014 and sponsored by the ISPN Membership Committee. The IMIN model was designed by Dr. Beth Bonham with two aims: to increase an involved membership in ISPN by connecting new members with seasoned ISPN members; and to facilitate leadership succession planning by mentoring members into leadership positions.

The seasoned ISPN member who volunteers to mentor through participation in IMIN may meet the new member initially at the annual conference and share time with the new member that may include meeting for coffee, planning dinner, and introducing the new member to the wider network of ISPN members. The mentor/mentee model can be implemented in any way that is comfortable for the dyad and for any length of time the dyad decides – activities may range from an occasional telephone or email check in to a structured clinical supervision. IMIN is a voluntary program for any members as well as a pathway to quickly connect new members with the larger organization.

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